
Media Owner

AIHAI Minerals Europe GmbH

Madstein Ort 13
8770 Traboch
Tel: +43 (0)3843 / 25 405



Commercial Register Entry

Commerical Register Entry: FN 453319 x
Register court: Regional Court Leoben (Landesgericht Leoben)
Legal form: limited liability company
UID: ATU71150826
GISA: 28847052, 33164502

Disclosure pursuant to § 5 ECG (Austrian E-Commerce Code), § 25 MedienG (Austrian Media Act) and § 14 UGB (Austrian Commercial Code)



Object of the company

The production, processing, distribution, marketing and trading of/with industrial minerals and pigments.



Supervisory authority

Bezirkshauptmannschaft Leoben (District administration Leoben)



Applicable trade regulations

Gewerbeordnung 1994 (Austrian Trade Code 1994), available at




Styrian Chamber of Commerce



In the case of a periodical medium

In addition, the respective ownership, participation, shareholding and voting rights of all persons directly or indirectly involved in a media owner shall be indicated. Furthermore, any silent participations in the media owner and in the persons directly or indirectly participating in the media owner within the meaning of the preceding sentence shall be disclosed, and fiduciary relationships shall be disclosed for each level. In the case of direct or indirect participation of foundations, the founder and the respective beneficiaries of the foundation shall also be disclosed. If the media owner is an association or if an association is directly or indirectly involved in the media owner, its board of directors and the purpose of the association shall be disclosed for the association. Persons directly or indirectly involved, trustors, founders and beneficiaries of a foundation shall be obliged, upon request by the media proprietor, to provide the latter with the information required to fulfill its disclosure obligation.



Managing Director

Tiemin Li



Editorial and Design:

CIDCOM Advertising Agency, Wiedner Hauptstraße 78 /H2/2/24; 1040 Wien